A Brighter Dental Experience

Dental Hygiene, Education, and Healthy Living

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Preventative Dental Care

When you listen to someone speak about general well-being and staying healthy, your mind probably jumps to the part where we think about exercise, reduced stress and eating the right foods, and for the most-part your not wrong.

All of these things are important but what’s not discussed is “Preventative Dental Care”. Looking after our teeth and gums is just as important and so often overlooked. Through routine cleanings, early detection of cavities, and other preventative procedures, your hygienist is able to help you keep your smile in the best possible condition.

Even when you brush and floss faithfully after every meal, tartar and plaque can build up on your teeth, particularly along gums, between teeth, and in other hard-to-reach places. This is why it is so important to schedule regular hygienist and dental visits.

Preventing and diagnosing diseases of the gum and bone are so important, as many oral cancers, if detected early, can be treated successfully. Limiting damage and correcting problems can help you avoid tooth loss and replacement.

Home Care

Even though regular visits with your dental hygienist are important, they are no replacement for the daily cleaning and flossing routine needed by your smile. To help prevent plaque from building up, you should brush and floss thoroughly after every meal. Preventing plaque, in turn, prevents cavities and gum disease. So help your Hygienist by sticking to a cleaning regime and keep a brighter smile.

Care For Your Smile

Your Hygienist Knows Best

Don’t rush when you brush!

For healthy teeth, it’s essential you take your time and make sure you complete a thorough clean,  particularly along the gums, between teeth, and in those hard-to-reach places.

Visit your hygienist regularly

To decrease your risk for dental disease, we strongly encourage our patients to schedule routine dental exams and cleanings at least once every six months. Of course, each individual patient’s interval is always based on their need established by a diagnosis of their periodontal and restorative status.

Don’t Forget to Floss!

Flossing is an important oral hygiene habit. It cleans and dislodges food stuck between your teeth, which reduces the amount of bacteria and plaque in your mouth. Plaque is a sticky film that builds up on teeth and contributes to cavities and gum disease.

Treatments Available

It’s inevitable that as a customer you will have many questions about dental hygiene, the treatments available and the processes involved. That is completely normal and I encourage all my clients to feel comfortable asking any question, as education is important and key to long-term dental care. Please take some time to read through my treatments and their descriptions, and do not hesitate to get in touch should you require further information or clarification. I will endeavour to help and explain wherever I can.

Initial Debridement/Scale with Cavitron by Iwona Singh Dental Hygienist

Initial Debridement/Scale with Cavitron DentSply

This is the removal of soft plaque and heavy calculus deposits from the teeth and around the gums. Just as an addition to your knowledge, I have tried many descalers, but I find Cavitron far more gentle on the patient!

Number of visits needed to complete Initial debridement depends on patients Oral Hygiene.

Polish with Polishing Cup/Bristle Brush and Prophy Paste

This is the part of the treatment that patients like the most. Why you ask? Possibly because it indicates the end of the hygiene treatment, well, there’s more to it really.  Polishing does have a large amount of cosmetic value in the removal of unwanted light stains on the teeth and makes them shiny and feel smooth. Its just like the icing on the cake.

Polish with Polishing Cup/Bristle Brush and Prophy Paste by Iwona Singh
Root Surface Debridement/Root Planning with Cavitron and Special Hand Scalers by Iwona Singh

Root Surface Debridement with Cavitron & Special Hand Scalers

I use a cavitron machine with special inserts to remove tartar and debris from infected surfaces around the teeth and below the gum line followed by special hand root planing instruments, antiseptic mouthwash and gel application. This smooths the root surfaces, controls the growth of harmful bacteria and helps gums reattach firmly to the teeth.

Depending on the extent and severity of your periodontal disease, this treatment may require Local Anaesthetic and may also require the patient to book a couple of appointments, usually one week apart. It all sounds very dramatic AT FIRST. Most patients come in as white as a sheet, but leave saying, and I quote, “ That wasn’t too bad really”, or “ This was much better than I was expecting”, even,“ I found this very relaxing”, so don’t worry, you’re in good hands!

Airflow – Extrinsic Stain Removal Process

This is a special machine that uses a mix of water, powder and air pressure, all directed at the teeth to remove bacteria and extrinsic stains (discolouration of the outer layer of the tooth) often caused by the food and drink we can’t say no to! These include, coffee, tea, red wine, curry dishes, beetroot, berries, balsamic vinegar, fizzy drinks and fruit juices. Some mouthwashes and smoking Tobacco also cause bad staining of the teeth. I have found that even though this treatment has been around for many many years, many dental practices do not offer it to their patients. For this reason I have patients coming to see myself from other practices just for an Airflow treatment.

Patients love Airflow. The feedback is always amazing. All extrinsic stains are gone within minutes, leaving the tooth surface beautifully smooth afterwards. This is also an ideal treatment  prior to tooth whitening , orthodontic treatment and restorative treatment. WORTH TRYING, believe me!

Airflow- Stain Removal by Iwona Singh
Fluoride Application

Fluoride Application

Fluoride Varnish is mainly applied for :
Caries prevention –it is particularly common for fluoride varnish to be applied to the first permanent molars (children age 6). I have to admit I don’t see many children for fluoride application these days. This is probably due to the NHS providing children, this treatment for free.

Hypersensitivity – this may be due to sensitivity after professional cleaning, enamel injury or exposed dentine (recession). I find the main cause of gum recession in patients, tends to be from over brushing, usually in the form of applying too much pressure, without realising.

Fissure Sealants

FS is known as a preventative treatment that seals the grooves in the top surface of your back teeth to help protect them from bacteria. I use a special dental paint to paint the chewing (occlusal) surface of your tooth.

This flows into all the nooks and crannies to seal them, making the tooth easier to keep clean and less likely to decay. Prevention rather than cure!

Fissure Sealant
How to use Interdental/tepes brushes

Oral Hygiene Education

I love teaching my patients oral hygiene methods. The best part of my job is seeing my patients smile and I guarantee that if you follow my advice between hygiene appointments,  we will both be smiling every time you come back to see me!

Teeth Whitening

This is very exciting. I genuinely believe teeth whitening not only makes you feel good about yourself but it makes you want to care for your teeth more than ever. It has very powerful benefits (Improves mental health, makes you more confident about your smile, I’ve had patients say that they think it has taken 5 years off their appearance, RESULT!!)

With Mental health hitting the headlines on a daily basis these days, I genuinely believe that teeth whitening can play its part in this constant battle. Feeling good about yourself, making yourself feel and look more youthful through this simple and inexpensive procedure, surely promotes a strong and healthy mind?

Teeth Whitening by Iwona Singh

Where To Find Me

Meadow Walk Dental Practice

To book an appointment with me, simply get in touch and our friendly, professional team will look after you and answer any questions you may have.

Tel: 01280 812701
Email: reception@meadowwalk.co.uk

Monday: 9am - 5pm, Tuesday: 9am - 5pm, Friday: 8am - 5pm
Visit Our Website - Click Here

Beyond Dental MK

To book an appointment with me, simply get in touch and our friendly, professional team will look after you and answer any questions you may have.

Tel: 01908 771170
Email: info@claydondentalmk.co.uk

Wednesday: 8am - 8pm
For practice opening times, please visit our website Click Here